My Books

“I am the author of two books, a storybook and a self-help book for waiting mothers. I am writing more books as I strongly sense that God has given me ‘a voice and many sayings’ to the end of the world.”

“Nighttime stories with great gran” is a Christian storybook for children aged six years and above. It is a story of two kids, Tim and Eliza, and their Christian great-grandmother Lois called Great Gran. The children are taught about the love of God, how they should relate with others in love, and to put their trust in God. The worksheet at the end of each chapter makes it as educative as it is fun to read. Parents are encouraged to join them in working through the worksheets. 

Are you tired of waiting for your prayers to be answered? Do you feel like giving up on your dreams? L.I.V.E is not just a book; it’s a journey. Join me as I share my story of waiting on God’s promise of having children.

In this book, I bare it all – the pain, the emotional and physical struggles, and the lessons God is teaching me. I know what it’s like to feel lost, and to wonder if God has forgotten about you. But, through it all, I have discovered practical steps that have helped keep my faith alive.

I call them my “wreck-away tools,” and they are the Holy Spirit’s steps in the journey of waiting. These tools have helped me find purpose, peace, and answers.

L.I.V.E is not just a book of hope; it’s a roadmap to a better life. It’s a reminder that God is always with us, even in the most difficult times. I hope my story will encourage other women to L.I.V.E by trusting God and finding the courage to wait graciously.

So, are you ready to start your journey? Are you ready to learn how to L.I.V.E? Then, join me as we explore the path of faith, hope, and love.

It is entirely free for any mother in waiting. You can pick a copy by reaching out to me. 

L.I.V.E is an extremely encouraging and beautiful read.
Ndali Obuoforibo
I loved reading Aunty Titilayo's book, Night Time Stories with Great Gran! It is very interesting, and I read it with my sister almost every night. My mummy told me that when she was little, like Eliza and Tim, her grandma used to tell her stories too each time they visited or she visited. I like all the stories, like “The Story of the Two Lions” and “An Adventure Outside Light Town.” But my favorite is “The Tree That Wanted More.” It teaches me to be content; my mummy said it is being satisfied with what you have without envying others. I also learned not to be grumpy, which will drive away all my friends. I want all my friends to read it too. Thank you, Aunty Titilayo.
Sonma Uwadinma
If nothing should jolt you or push you up from whatever position or situation you are in now, it should be this book, "L.I.V.E.” Titilayo pours herself into this book, her vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and triumphs. She bared it all. A man of God once said "the hardest people to heal supernaturally are doctors or those in medical professions;" their years of continuous study and exposure to diseases and how the human body works often impedes their faith/belief. Here is a doctor married to a doctor telling a story, her story of faith, of looking from the known to the unknown, saying I am not in a doctor's waiting room but in God's waiting room, with a rock solid belief that her children are here (three of them). This is a complete paradigm shift of mentally blocking all she knows and trusting in the One she has come to know. In the story, her husband Kayode made a profound statement, "I believe you will get pregnant supernaturally," known or unknown to her, that is where her faith took root. He also recognized the support and strength in the gathering of believers as he took her to church in her lowest moments. He shared in all her vulnerabilities, walking alongside her and being her covering. He shares in her visions and dreams ('V' & 'D') and also a sound bar of her new lessons in the walk with the Holy Spirit. Well, you might say she has a supportive husband, and I don't, but when the Holy Spirit told her she is not alone in this journey, He meant it: Spiritually and physically, He gives gifts to men, and people are the gifts. There is that one person (an encourager) He has assigned to you who will not judge you and will not spread your story in a negative light. Find that person, find your person, and trust the leading of the Holy Spirit. The book's Interlude, Question, Charge, Confession, and Declaration sessions made it more interactive and introspective. There is much to learn from this book: Faith, love, and victory. This book will teach you to LIVE, and that is your testimony. Thank you, doc for baring it all!
Ada Uwadinma

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